Rancho Tierra Grande (RTG) was created in the 1960’s by developers Paul and Barbara Porter as three separate subdivisions for a total of 208 individual homesites. Lot sizes range from 1/2 to 1+ acres. The properties are spread along ridge lines, north above Carmel Valley Road, between Berwick and Buckeye Canyons. It is the largest part of a unique California Special Area, CSA 17, for governmental services and taxation purposes.

Drone Overviews of RTG

RTG Sub-Divisions

The three RTG with subdivisions are separate legal entities with Homeowner Restrictions that apply only to that subdivision. The voluntary membership Homeowner’s Association (RTG HOA) serves all three subdivisions.

Sub-Division 1

RTG Sub-Division 1 Parcels Map

Sub-Division 2

RTG Sub-Division 2 Parcels Map

Sub-Division 3

RTG Sub-Division 3 Parcels Map